
Spillers Happy Hoof 20kg

spillers happy hoof

Spillers Happy Hoof is a low sugar, low starch, high fibre feed that is enriched with vitamins and minerals and includes biotin and key antioxidants.

Digestible Energy 8.8MJ/kg Oil 4% Protein 8% Fibre 25.0% Starch 4.0% Vitamin A 10,000iu/kg Vitamin D 1500iu/kg Vitamin E 200iu/kg Selenium 0.15mg/kg Copper 20mg/kg Zinc 100mg/kg


Spillers Happy Hoof 20kg

  • Description

    Spillers Happy Hoof is a low sugar, low starch, high fibre feed that is enriched with vitamins and minerals and includes biotin and key antioxidants.

  • Nutrition

    Digestible Energy 8.8MJ/kg Oil 4% Protein 8% Fibre 25.0% Starch 4.0% Vitamin A 10,000iu/kg Vitamin D 1500iu/kg Vitamin E 200iu/kg Selenium 0.15mg/kg Copper 20mg/kg Zinc 100mg/kg

  • Reviews


spillers happy hoof

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